

jeudi 25 avril 2013

Google Adsense launches ads units size 970 x 90 pixels

Google Adsense launches and ad units size (970 x 90 pixels) 
allows the emergence of the best in the big screens

Google announced the availability of a new size for ads "Google Adsense" Google AdSence the measure (970 x 90 pixels) to provide an opportunity for advertisers wishing in the presence of large areas to interact with users and promote their services and products on the big screens.
The announcement of the new ads units after a few months of availability and measurement units (600 x 300 pixels) in November last year.
Google noted by the Official Code of Adsense, that the new units will initially text ads, and the unit can accommodate up to four text ads in adjacent columns, like other ad units can vary the number of text ads, according to the desired effect.
The Google ad unit to display the size (790 x 90 pixels) of images and various media soon. They expected to achieve widespread when the content includes a photographer.
Google says that the new size is known paintings large or "super leaderboards" represents an influential subject for advertisers to promote their products. Service users urged to think about the advertising content when choosing ad units to ensure a good experience for both users and advertisers through their dealings with the sites, with an emphasis on the survival of the maximum number of ad units on each page three units.
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