

dimanche 5 mai 2013

Egyptian engineering students invent a bird robot to secure control of universities

6 students of  Mansoura faculty  ofengineering  invent a bird robot   to secure control of universities.
 the 6 students in the College of engineering are Talat MaherMohamed Attia, basantAbdullah alkalashMohamed EidJayan your Robert bird to secure control of the universities, under the supervision of Dr. Abdul Hamid Ibrahim Fawzi.

Invention is a robot "robot" swirling for security and surveillance, follow-up assistance and insurance within the University and is Phoenix_1 is a system monitoring and remote control the reconnaissance tasks without human intervention, in addition to its ability to detect a particular purpose at a particular place and to deal with both through monitoring and tracking or simply portray what happened according to the type of application and purpose.

Phoenix_1 system from quadcopter carries a high resolution camera, so the user can control wirelessly and use the application that allows him to select the area you wish to explore the map and download the entity "established" needed to be found, once this occurs, the application works in computational solutions for "quad" fan quadcopter.

The quadcopter shall cover the area, avoid obstacles, and make the necessary changes to the path because when the camera goes to record and send live and communicate in real time to provide the information necessary for the application.

And when you find the target, according to photo processing solutions and the camera sends a signal to the processor quadcopter to deal with objective in a manner appropriate to the application user.

At all times the user can intervene by giving a direct order to jets and will have priority, and the user can also request interactively robot to track any object simply by clicking on it in the live video feed.

Phoenix_1 is an easy solution to many problems and missions and tasks the reconnaissance and scouting and contains the IP camera and Ultrasonic sensors, wireless, XBee sensor and GPS unit, the battery will support Li-Po.
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