

vendredi 3 mai 2013

The phone Xperia Z C6606 passes through FCC

The likelihood of the Xperia Z advancing to the United States looks anytime stronger, afterwards the C6606 alternative of the handset (with accordant bands for North America) anesthetized through the FCC.

 The FCC abstracts additionally included a
T-Mobile branded user manual, acknowledging contempo belief that the carrier is at atomic testing the device. We still don�t apperceive for abiding if T-Mobile will end up accustomed the device, but we achievement if it does, it reveals its affairs soon. The handset has already been on auction in added regions for over two months now and the smartphone chase stops for no one. We�re abiding the buzz will accept an admirers though, accustomed its glassy architecture and baptize aggressive features. Still, let�s achievement the buzz is appear eventually rather than later
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